04 March 2012 By: The Realjazz

Herbs vs Prescription Medicine

Why Should we Use Herbs?
  1. Herbs are safer than prescription medicine.
  2. Herbs get the job done.

Are Herbs Safer then Prescription Medicine?

Are  herbs safer then prescription medicine? The truth on this question is clear if you have read or received a prescription from Walgreen's or Walmart they give you a sheet of paper with instructions on how the prescription medicine should be taken then it states these are possible side effects and usually it´s a long list. About eight years ago my dad come to visit us in Arizona he brought with him a book which lists prescription drugs and there side effects. I sat with him as he read off the list of side effects of the drugs he was using at the time. As he went down the list he had all of the side affects as he was reading  he said "I have got that. That too." That´s when I started waking up to the fact that prescription drugs  does more harm then good. For me the evidence is clear that prescription drugs are not in line with the Hippocratic Oath if they where they would not do our body any harm. If  you doubt my experience and still think that the FDA would not let us have prescriptions that  would harm us then follow this link medical-malpractice-statistics.cfm to see the states of death because of prescription drugs you will be shocked. To be fair I have included a link for statistics of deaths linked to herbal supplements and vitamins.

Herbs get the Job done my Testimonial

Echinacea pallida
I say that medicine needs to return to natural healing letting the body heal it self because I know the risk with healing it with drugs that are dangerous to your health and body  and are possibility given to you for a aliment that you don´t have (like may step father they gave him drugs for prostate cancer and he didn´t have it)  or they don´t quite get the job done. I was given drugs that didn`t get the job done they are called antibiotics. I took them on and off for seven years for sinusitis and they did not do the trick.  I am now taking a tea of ginger and cinnamon with lemon and I am finally being healed with herbsHerbs work give them a chance. Help medicine return to the way that nature intended which is letting the body cure its self which were the heart and soul of the teachings of Hippocrates  (see my seconed post)  Please try natural healing first it will do your body no harm which is better then the alternative and you have nothing to loss and might even gain (medication and treatment of disease is expensive now days) and you will stay healther longer. My blog will focus on herbal remedies recipes for natural healing, information about herbs and other nutritional information to help educate people on how to aid your body heal your self.
I would love to hear your testimony of how herbs have helped you please leave a comment if you would like to share.

Copyrighted works
Photo of prescription drugs is copy righted by Bill Branson (photographer)
Description: English: These bottles and pills are of the drugs tamoxifen and raloxifene that are being used in a breast cancer prevention trial (STAR).
Date: May 1999
Source: National Cancer Institute
Author: Bill Branson (photographer)


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